Cooking is one of the major causes of fires at home, or accidental dwelling fires. Here are some tips from South Wales Fire and Rescue Service to help you make your kitchen a safer place:

  1. Make sure you have a working smoke alarm and test it regularly. View our guide on beeping smoke alarms here.
  2. Never leave cooking unattended.
  3. Don’t leave children alone in the kitchen when cooking. Make sure you keep matches and saucepan handles out of their reach.
  4. Make sure saucepan handles do not stick out – so they don’t get knocked off the stove.
  5. Keep tea towels, cloths and clothing away from the cooker and hob, away from heat and flames.
  6. Keep electrics (leads and appliances) away from water.
  7. Where possible, use spark devices instead of matches or lighters to light gas cookers, to avoid the naked flame.
  8. Hot oil can ignite easily, use a thermostat-controlled deep fat fryer – they stop the fat getting too hot.
  9. Don’t fill a chip pan or other deep fat fryer more than one third full of oil.
  10. Never tackle a pan fire yourself. If a pan catches fire, never use water on it.
  11. Avoid cooking if you have been drinking alcohol or are taking medication that may make you drowsy or tired.
  12. Double check the cooker is off when you have finished cooking. Take care with electrics.
  13. Keep the oven, hob and grill clean and in good working order. A build-up of fat and grease can ignite a fire.
  14. In the event of a fire in your kitchen, get out, stay out and call 999.

Cooking safety in the kitchen with Firefighter White

Cooking safety 1: general tips

Cooking safety 2: distractions and cleaning tips

Cooking safety 3: safer frying tips


Please also view our tips on electrical safety, particularly if you have white goods such as washing machines, tumble dryers and dishwashers in your kitchen or utility room.

View more fire safety tips at home.

Download our Stay Safe in the Kitchen Checklist.

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